Friday, 19 December 2008

It’s all gone wrong again

Hello, good evening and welcome and to the new Mike Gayle To Do List Blog.

To those of you that don’t know me I’m a gentleman novelist by day and a major procrastinator by night (who am I kidding I procrastinate both day and night) and I’ve got a book out in January called The To Do List which is all about me, my family and the year I spent trying to tackle a 1,277 item long To Do List.

Anyway to celebrate the book’s launch my publishers said to me yesterday: “Why don’t you write a blog about doing stuff? And I said “Are you insane?” I’ve already got enough on my plate as it is without you lot adding to it.” And so they said: “Go on, pretty please, it’ll be good for you.” And I said: “How exactly will me having to do extra work be good for me?” And they said: “Because it will be a blog about all the stuff that’s on your every day real life To Do List that you’ve been avoiding since you finished your book.” And so I said: “Like what?” because I thought that would wrong foot them but they just laughed and said, “We’ve already spoken to your wife, Mike, so we know for a fact that you’ve got a million and one things that need doing but thankfully we only need you to pick thirty one otherwise this would end up being the world’s longest blog.” So this is it: a month’s worth of blog where I attempt to tackle thirty-one of the 1.2 million thing that have been weighing on my mind day and night like lorry load of bricks since the year dot (or there abouts).

The January To Do List

1. To Do List Item: Post cake to cousin.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it:9 weeks.

2. To Do List Item: Finish the fourteen (that’s right fourteen!!!) books that I’ve currently got on the go.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Between five months and a year and a half dependent on the book.

3. To Do List Item: Buy a new mobile phone.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Ever since my contract ended a year and a half ago.

4. To Do List Item: Try and remember the password of the e-saver account that I opened last year and forgot all about (which may or may not have £200 in it).
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Somewhere between a year (when I first remembered that I had it) and a year(when I was first realised that I definitely had no idea what it was).

5. To Do List Item: Find missing tie.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Two days before the last time that I knew I had to wear a suit…so that will be eight months ago.

6. To Do List Item: Buy shirts that fit.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: A whole life-time

7. To Do List Item: Pluck up courage and determination require to chase up overdue invoice payment.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Three months.

8. To Do List Item: Cancel discount sim card
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Two and bit weeks.

9. To Do List Item: Write letter of complaint to Debenhams.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Two months.

10. To Do List Item: Reply to all unanswered emails.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: The majority of unanswered email is only a week old but the worst offender arrived in my in-box over 212 days ago)

11. To Do List Item: Watch the film Pay it Forward.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Well put it this way it arrived so long ago that our internet DVD club now sends us daily reminders about the fact that we could have bought it for significantly less money than we’ve paid to borrow it.

12. To Do List Item: Move offices.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: A year and a bit.

13. To Do List Item: Sort out garden.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Since the end of summer (so that’ll be June 22nd then).

14. To Do List Item: Get a capped rate from my energy provider.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Ever since I met Martin “” Lewis on a TV programme eighteen months ago and he told me I was insane for not doing so.

15. To Do List Item: Fix all broken things.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: In the case of Lydia’s piggy bank approximately 45 days and in the case of the bed I broke while dancing on it probably more like a year.

16. To Do List Item: Find out where the bees in the loft are coming from.
Length of time so far spent procrastinating over it: Put it this way it’s been 38 days since the first bee appeared.

17. To Do List Item: Remove tongs from back of the cooker.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Early(ish) spring.

18. To Do List Item: Get rid of fence panels from side of house.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Approximately 98 days (and counting)

19. To Do List Item: Iron every last item in the ironing basket (even the stuff that’s been in there since the summer before last.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Months, years, it’s too hard to tell. Basically ironing (or rather not ironing stuff) is always on my mind.

20. To Do List Item: Wean youngestdaughter off her dummy.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Each and every day since we first handed it to her two years ago.

21. To Do List Item: Answer the phone more.
Length of time so far spent procrastinating over it: Ever since my family sat me down six weeks ago and bellowed at me: “Why do you never answer your phone?”

22. To Do List Item: Replace batteries in all kids toys.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it:344 days

23. To Do List Item: Use up all “exotic” tinned purchases and impulse buys (e.g. lychee fruits in syrup and tempura batter mix)
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Ever since I first bought them (which if the use by date on the tinned aubergine is to be believed may well be up to three years ago).

24. To Do List Item: Purchase a new duvet.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Since the first cold snap of the year (so that’ll be August then)

25. To Do List Item: Sort out pictures of kids for parents.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: It’s actually 324 days on the dot. I know this because my mother-in-law is keeping count.

26. To Do List Item: Fix guttering at side of house.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Roughly 108 days (I know this because my wife has just handed me a note saying “It’s been 108 days since I asked you to sort this out. If you have any love for me at all PLEASE DO IT NOW!!!!!”

27. To Do List Item: Scan in some old photos to your Facebook page.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it:161 days

28. To Do List Item: Buy a new telly.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Eight years!

29. To Do List Item: Find the spare house keys.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: I think about the keys every time I go out and wonder to myself how I’ll get back in should my wife be out and I ever lose the ones in my hands.

30. To Do List Item: Post (and in some cases write) all belated Christmas cards.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: When was Christmas again?

31. To Do List Item: Hand out finished copies of the To Do List to the people who appeared in it.
Time so far spent procrastinating over it: Ever since they arrived in a big box at my house six weeks ago and I realised there would be nothing I could do to stop my mates from reading about themselves.


mysterymixtapes said...


I can help you with one of your to do's.
My Dad cruelly told me the cat had wee'd on my dummy. So I threw it away immediatley. I have remembered this lie all my life. So although you'll be weaning her off the dummy, you'll make her hate you.

There's always a pay-off isn't there?.


Merchant said...

I can comment on the dummy issue as well. My son never took one but I am a teacher and have heard it all from other parents. You have a visit from the "dummy fairy"- a bit of a cross between Santa and the Tooth Fairy who creeps in in the middle of the night and takes them. . .all of them. . . and puts a small toy in its' place. And for the very sweet, sensitive children it helps to add that there are less fortunate children in the world who don't have a dummy and the fairy will distribute them accordingly. :)